Recognize with the government, in the custody of dissent

There is a dissatisfaction with the Awami League government and the Awami League leaders, including some of the central leaders, including the Ameer of Hefazat-e-Islam. A part of the organization does not like the close relationship with the government. There are also many questions and distractions among the general staff.

In the Hathazari area of ​​Chittagong, the headquarters of Hefazate talked to the leaders and workers, but despite the dissatisfaction within the organization, the aggrieved parties are observing the situation. They leave social media and brochures and call for the protection of political organizations Hefazat. Meanwhile, senior Naib Amir Mahibullah Babunagari resigned.

Hifazat central committee 151 members. Amir Shah Ahmad Shafi of the organization. It is learned that one of the leaders with him is the organization's publicity secretary Anas Madani (Amir's son), Joint Secretary General Moinuddin Ruhie and Mufti Faizullah and Dhaka City Secretary Abul Hasnat Amini. The distance between the leaders and workers of a large section of the organization was created with them.

Although both sides work separately, the elderly scholar Ahmad Shafi is not yet publicly speaking as he is a Muslim. One of the leaders of this section, Nur Hossain Kasami Jamiyet ulamayake Islam Secretary General. His party is part of the BNP-led 20-party alliance.

Fayzullah, Abul Hasnat Amini and Moinuddin Rouhi are the leaders of the Islamist Oikya Jote. They tried to negotiate with the Awami League in the upcoming parliamentary elections. The three wanted to choose from Chittagong and Brahmanbaria. But in the end, the seats were not lost.

The reporter has talked with five top leaders of Hefazat-e-Islam. These leaders, who are unwilling to disclose the name, said the general leaders and workers of Hefajat-e-Islami want Hifazat to remain as non-political organization. Although their 13-point demand is not implemented, there are no organization programs for two years. A part of the leaders with the opposite Awami League formed the issue. In exchange, Anas Madani, son of Hefajat Amir, and some leaders have been accused of taking various assistance from the government. The complainants say that the son of Hifazat is largely dependent on Anas due to old age. Although Aamir was requested to not do Shukranya Mahfil in Dhaka, others including Anas Madani arranged it to assist the government. Due to this, there has been a division in the organization.

Anas Madani denied these allegations. He said in the first light, there is no division in custody. All propaganda. After the Shukarna Mahfil, the scholars and the ulama have been united in many mahfils. It would not have been there if there was a dispute.

If you are in Hathazari recently, a leaflet is available in front of the Hifazat central office in front of the shop. It has been said, 'Why do not you say about the 13th? Do not find the rebels of Hefazate and find reasons for rebellion. Amir is not being selected because of why. Why Amir's comments are with the ruling party? Why is not the return of the Secretary-General's passport taken five years ago. "Under the brochure '5th Shahid Family'. There were calls to protect Hifazat, accusing some leaders including Amir's son Anas Madani and some other leaders.

Hefajat's Nayeb Amir Mufti Ezharul Islam Chowdhury said in the first light on November 24 that division of hefajate has been made to stand aside from the ideals. He complained of taking benefit from government against many, including Anas Madani and Joint Secretary General Moinuddin Ruhie.

Moinuddin Ruhie said in the first light that the allegation that hefajat has been tied up with the Awami League through financial transactions also comes to their ears. But there is no basis for them. He claimed, there is no division between hefajat.

On September 19, the law passed by giving equal status to the highest level of Quami Madrasa in the Jatiya Sangsad. On 1 October, students of GPA-5 received the reception at Hathazari Madrasa in Al Haimatul Ulia Lil Jamaatul Quoya Bangladesh in 2018. Hifazat Amir Ahmed Shafi said at the reception, 'He (Sheikh Hasina) has loved me like this. I am not an Awami League. Your speech is wrong. Speak verbally and tell the truth. How did I say, I have become Awami League. I have no objection even though Awami. There are many people in this group, who love the religion, help us in the madrasa.

Many people in Hefazat were confused when Ahmad Shafi's speech spread through social media. In spite of being reluctant, some of the leaders and activists decided to give a reception to the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at Suhrawardy Udyan in Dhaka on Nov 4, for giving receipts (for recognition of the Qaumi Charities). But a letter signed to 68 leaders of Hefazat-e-Islami was not given to the Amir in late October. It is said that if the reception is celebrated, the Qawmi clerics will become the tail of the political party. The general people will be angry Later, the reception was changed to 'Sukarna Mahfil' in Suhrawardy Udyan.

Hefazat's secretary general Junaid Babunagari, Nayeb Amir Noor Hossain Qasimi, Mufti Ezhaharul Islam Chowdhury and Tajul Islam, Joint Secretary General Chalim Ullah and Md. Idris and organizing secretary Azizul Huq Islamabadi, many leading leaders. Naib Amir Mahibullah Babunagari resigned from the organization on October 2. When asked about the reasons for resignation, Mahibullah Babunghari said, "I have resigned from the post because of the purpose that hefajat was formed."

In the month of February 2013 in the capital

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